North Pacific Argo Float Dataset (Updated on Jul. 27, 2023) edited by: Eitarou Oka ( Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo Introduction This dataset is originally made for my own research, and is provided personally to anyone who likes to share. I am not responsible for the results of its use. Data description CTD profiles, obtained by Argo floats in the area of 0-65N, 120E-80W (except in Japan Sea) each month, are compiled into a single text file. For the avaiable period, refer to "Table of editing dates" below. Also, refer to the pdf observation point maps, which are provided every 3 months. Data format Each profile is separated from the next one by "**". The 1st line of each profile is the header, which indicates 1-4th character : sequence number 6-7th character : Argo Data Center that processed the profile AO: AOML (AOML, USA) BO: BODC (BODC, UK) CO: CORIOLIS (Coriolis Center, France) CS: CSIRO (CSIRO, Australia) HZ: Hangzhou (Second Institution of Oceanography, China) JM: JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) KM: KMA (Korea Meteorological Agency) KO: KORDI (Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute) ME: MEDS (MEDS, Canada) NM: NMDIS (National Marine Data & Information Service, Tianjin, China) GT: (GTS) 9-15th character : WMO number 5 or 7 digit number identifying each Argo float. With this number, you can obtain information of the float on the website such as, 17-19th character : profile number which means how many-th observation for the float. * Note: This number is not always correct. For example, the number is always zero for profiles from GTS. Also, some of profiles from other Data Centers have a wrong profile number. For the order of profiles, please always refer to the observation date, not the profile number. 21-28th character : observation date (UTC) to be exact, the time at which the satellites receive the first transmission from the float during each surfacing. 30-36th character : latitude (N) 38-44th character : lontigude (E) the float position at the above time. 45-48th character : number of sampling layer (* changed on Aug.15, 2006) 50-52th character : information about the data QC (* changed for data after Mar. 2015) 1. Data before Feb. 2015 if the profile went through the delayed-mode QC (dQC), "dQC" is written here. if the profile went through only the real-time QC (rQC), nothing is written. 2. Data after Mar. 2015 if the profile went through the delayed-mode QC (dQC), "dQC" is written here. if went through the Advanced automatic QC (AQC), "aQC" is written. if went through the real-time QC (rQC), "rQC" is written. (For QCs, refer to Note 1 below.) The 2nd line is "pr sa te". Pressure, salinity, and in-situ temperature values align from the 3rd line. Their units are, pressure : dbar salinity : (unitless) [PSS-78] temperature : degC [ITS-90] Data editing processes The following data were used for the original data. 1. Data before Feb. 2015 The rQCed or dQCed data, download from the ftp site of two Argo Global Data Centers (GDACs) at IFREMER, France and FNMOC, USA. 2. Data after Mar. 2015 The rQCed, aQCed, or dQC data contained in AQC Argo data ver. 1.2 ( produced by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology. Note that we do not use AQC frags. From these data, bad-quality profiles and bad-quality layers (in each profile) were excluded. We exclude the following bad-quality profiles and layers. A1. duplicated profiles (Refer to Note 2) A2. profiles with 20 or less layers A3. profiles without salinity measurements A4. profiles from Japan Sea A5. duplicated layers A6. layers with salinity value flagged as "bad" or "probably bad" by rQC A7. profiles with a date flag other than 1 or 2 A8. profiles with a location flag other than 1 or 2 B1. profiles whose the top layer is deeper than about 20dbar B2. too shallow profiles (say, the maximum depth is 100dbar) B3. profiles lacking intermediate layers for certain depths (for example, between 200dbar and 400dbar) B4. profiles showing salinity offset much greater than 0.01 B5. layers with an obviously bad salinity/temperature value B6. top layers that would obstruct smooth extrapolation Deletions A1-A8 are performed objectively, while those B1-B6 are conducted somewhat subjectively, based on the following ideas. B1: I use the discretely sampled data from this dataset after interpolating/extrapolating them vertically between 10dbar and the lowest level with the Akima spline, regarding the values at 10 dbar as the surface values. The top layer of the original float data lies between 3 and 12 dbar in most cases. However, the top layer of some profiles lies at about 20 dbar or even deeper. Such profiles are preserved if "plausible" values are extrapolated at 10 dbar (as the surface), and are deleted if"implausible" values are extrapolated. B2: Too shallow profiles are often associated with floats in bad operation. The observations made by such floats possess lower reliability, so their data are excluded. B3: I visually inspect every profile that contain adjacent two layers 26 dbar or more apart at shallower than 300 dbar, 100 dbar or more apart at depths between 300 and 1000 dbar, and 300 dbar or more apart at deeper than 1000 dbar, and preseve (delete) the profile if the missing part can be interpolated "plausibly" ("inplausibly"). Specifically, I delete the profile if the missing part corresponds, for example, to the base of the mixed layer, or a maximum/minimum layer of salinity/temperature. B4: All the float profiles for the month are plotted on a T-S diagram, and profiles whose salinity at the deepest layer (at about 2degC) considerably differs from the majority are judged to show a salinity offset, and are excluded. Note that this test can be applied only to floats whose maximum depth is close to 2000 dbar. Salinity offsets for the floats whose maximum depth is much shallower than 2000 dbar cannot be detected even if they exist. (I recommend those who examine small salinity changes using this data to perform additional salinity QC by themselves.) B5: By inspecting the profiles plotted on T-S, p-T, p-S diagrams, and by examining the existence of large density inversions, bad salinity/temperature values are detected and deleted. B6: The interval between the top and 2nd layers for some particular floats is very small (< 1 dbar). When profiles from these floats are extrapolated, abnormal values will be created near the sea surface. In such cases, the top layer is deleted. Note 1 : about data QC rQC only excludes "abnormal values", for example, a pressure of 3000 dbar, or a temperature of 50degC. dQC is a more detailed correction, including salinity correction using climatological data. rQCed data become available within (in principle) 24 hours after the observation, while it takes more than several month before dQCed data become available. Therefore, I am editing this dataset basically from rQCed data, except for the data in 2001, 10-40% of which are dQCed data. aQC preserves quickness similar to rQC, while it imposes advanced automatic quality control compared to rQC, providing dataset with flags. For details, please see the AQC document. Note 2 : about duplicated profiles The GTS directory at GDACs contains Argo data that were not processed by any Argo Data Center and came through GTS. Actually, however, some data are found both in GTS and one of the Data Center, which (in principle) should not occur. No duplication seems to occur between Data Centers. Problematic Floats The pressure data from two floats with WMO 3900151 (providing 6 profiles during May-Sep of 2004) and 3900152 (providing 11 profiles during May-Oct of 2005) can have pressure offset. The data from these floats were eliminated on Mar. 29, 2016, but were included in those in 2004 and 2005 downloaded before Mar. 29, 2016. Please DO NOT use the data from these floats. PS Please ask me any question about the data. I would appreciate any comments and suggestions from you. Acknowledgments Production of this dataset has been supported by Taiyo Kobayashi and Kanako Sato at JAMSTEC and Tsuyoshi Ohira and Kana Nakamoto at Marine Works Japan. Appendix: Argo-related websites Argo Information Center Argo Project Office Japan ARGO GDAC(IFREMER) ftp site GDAC(FNMOC) ftp site JAMSTEC AQC Argo Data Table of editing dates Date1: date at which the original data were downloaded Date2: date at which this dataset were made from the original data QC : QC(s) that the original data went through ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- file name Date1 Date2 QC Remarks 2001Jan.txt 2004/09/21 2004/10/19 rQC,dQC 2001Feb.txt 2004/09/21 2004/10/19 rQC,dQC 2001Mar.txt 2004/09/21 2004/10/19 rQC,dQC 2001Apr.txt 2004/09/21 2004/10/19 rQC,dQC 2001May.txt 2004/09/21 2004/10/19 rQC,dQC 2001Jun.txt 2004/09/21 2004/10/19 rQC,dQC 2001Jul.txt 2004/09/21 2004/10/01 rQC,dQC 2001Aug.txt 2004/09/21 2004/10/01 rQC,dQC 2001Sep.txt 2004/09/21 2004/10/01 rQC,dQC 2001Oct.txt 2004/09/21 2004/10/01 rQC,dQC 2001Nov.txt 2004/09/21 2004/09/30 rQC,dQC 2001Dec.txt 2004/09/21 2004/09/28 rQC,dQC 2002Jan.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002Feb.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002Mar.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002Apr.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002May.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002Jun.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002Jul.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002Aug.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002Sep.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002Oct.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002Nov.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2002Dec.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2003Jan.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2003Feb.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2003Mar.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2003Apr.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC modified on 2004/10/25 (position of WMO 5900266, prof #18) 2003May.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2003Jun.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC modified on 2007/03/30 (deleted 33-66th layer from WMO 2900183, prof #61) 2003Jul.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2003Aug.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2003Sep.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2003Oct.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2003Nov.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2003Dec.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2004Jan.txt 2004/07/02 2004/09/21 rQC 2004Feb.txt 2004/07/02 2004/07/13 rQC 2004Mar.txt 2004/07/02 2004/07/13 rQC 2004Apr.txt 2004/07/02 2004/07/13 rQC 2004May.txt 2004/07/02 2004/07/15 rQC modified on 2016/03/29 (deleted WMO 3900151, prof #18-20) 2004Jun.txt 2004/07/14 2004/07/16 rQC 2004Jul.txt 2004/08/13 2004/08/24 rQC modified on 2016/03/29 (deleted WMO 3900151, prof #26) 2004Aug.txt 2004/11/01 2004/11/05 rQC 2004Sep.txt 2004/11/01 2004/11/15 rQC modified on 2016/03/29 (deleted WMO 3900151, prof #31,32) 2004Oct.txt 2004/11/18 2004/11/25 rQC 2004Nov.txt 2004/12/20 2004/12/22 rQC 2004Dec.txt 2005/01/13 2005/01/28 rQC 2005Jan.txt 2005/02/14 2005/02/22 rQC modified on 2005/02/25 (deleted WMO 2900422, prof #4 and #5) 2005Feb.txt 2005/03/07 2005/03/14 rQC 2005Mar.txt 2005/04/13 2005/04/21 rQC 2005Apr.txt 2005/05/09 2005/05/17 rQC 2005May.txt 2005/06/08 2005/06/10 rQC modified on 2016/03/29 (deleted WMO 3900152, prof #56) 2005Jun.txt 2005/07/06 2005/07/07 rQC modified on 2016/03/29 (deleted WMO 3900152, prof #58, 59) 2005Jul.txt 2005/08/08 2005/08/16 rQC modified on 2016/03/29 (deleted WMO 3900152, prof #60) 2005Aug.txt 2005/09/12 2005/09/15 rQC modified on 2016/03/29 (deleted WMO 3900152, prof #63-65) 2005Sep.txt 2005/10/11 2005/10/13 rQC modified on 2005/11/01 (deleted WMO 5900812, prof #24) modified on 2016/03/29 (deleted WMO 3900152, prof #66, 67) 2005Oct.txt 2005/11/13 2005/11/17 rQC modified on 2016/03/29 (deleted WMO 3900152, prof #69, 72) 2005Nov.txt 2005/12/06 2005/12/12 rQC 2005Dec.txt 2006/01/15 2006/01/19 rQC 2006Jan.txt 2006/02/07 2006/02/13 rQC 2006Feb.txt 2006/03/02 2006/03/06 rQC 2006Mar.txt 2006/04/17 2006/04/18 rQC 2006Apr.txt 2006/05/08 2006/05/09 rQC 2006May.txt 2006/07/18 2006/07/20 rQC 2006Jun.txt 2006/07/18 2006/07/21 rQC 2006Jul.txt 2006/08/11 2006/08/15 rQC 2006Aug.txt 2006/09/15 2006/09/19 rQC 2006Sep.txt 2006/10/17 2006/10/19 rQC 2006Oct.txt 2006/11/20 2006/11/21 rQC modified on 2007/01/05 (added profs with sequence number 2131-2146) 2006Nov.txt 2007/01/05 2007/01/10 rQC 2006Dec.txt 2007/01/15 2007/01/31 rQC 2007Jan.txt 2007/03/19 2007/04/03 rQC replaced on 2011/11/17 (pos. modified for WMO 4900490, prof #94) 2007Feb.txt 2007/03/19 2007/04/04 rQC replaced on 2007/06/14 2007Mar.txt 2007/04/19 2007/05/01 rQC replaced on 2007/06/14 2007Apr.txt 2007/06/12 2007/06/15 rQC 2007May.txt 2007/06/12 2007/06/19 rQC 2007Jun.txt 2007/07/17 2007/07/20 rQC 2007Jul.txt 2007/08/13 2007/08/16 rQC 2007Aug.txt 2007/09/19 2007/09/20 rQC 2007Sep.txt 2007/10/15 2007/11/07 rQC 2007Oct.txt 2007/11/13 2007/11/15 rQC 2007Nov.txt 2007/12/18 2007/12/26 rQC 2007Dec.txt 2008/01/25 2008/01/29 rQC 2008Jan.txt 2008/02/18 2008/03/10 rQC 2008Feb.txt 2008/03/17 2008/03/19 rQC 2008Mar.txt 2008/04/15 2008/04/21 rQC 2008Apr.txt 2008/05/16 2008/05/19 rQC 2008May.txt 2008/06/16 2008/06/25 rQC 2008Jun.txt 2008/07/14 2008/07/17 rQC 2008Jul.txt 2008/08/13 2008/08/19 rQC 2008Aug.txt 2008/09/16 2008/10/06 rQC 2008Sep.txt 2008/10/15 2008/10/20 rQC 2008Oct.txt 2008/11/10 2008/11/28 rQC 2008Nov.txt 2008/12/11 2008/12/26 rQC 2008Dec.txt 2009/01/13 2009/01/13 rQC 2009Jan.txt 2009/02/17 2009/04/05 rQC 2009Feb.txt 2009/03/17 2009/04/21 rQC 2009Mar.txt 2009/04/21 2009/04/23 rQC 2009Apr.txt 2009/05/18 2009/05/18 rQC 2009May.txt 2009/06/10 2009/06/11 rQC 2009Jun.txt 2009/07/14 2009/07/17 rQC 2009Jul.txt 2009/08/28 2009/09/02 rQC modified on 2009/09/30 (deleted WMO 5900709, prof #156, and WMO 5900888, prof #92-94) 2009Aug.txt 2009/09/29 2009/10/01 rQC 2009Sep.txt 2009/10/19 2009/11/10 rQC 2009Oct.txt 2009/11/11 2009/11/20 rQC 2009Nov.txt 2009/12/16 2009/12/25 rQC 2009Dec.txt 2010/01/13 2010/01/14 rQC 2010Jan.txt 2010/02/12 2010/03/24 rQC 2010Feb.txt 2010/03/11 2010/03/28 rQC 2010Mar.txt 2010/05/28 2010/06/15 rQC 2010Apr.txt 2010/05/28 2010/06/16 rQC 2010May.txt 2010/06/15 2010/06/17 rQC 2010Jun.txt 2010/07/13 2010/07/16 rQC 2010Jul.txt 2010/09/10 2010/09/22 rQC 2010Aug.txt 2010/09/10 2010/09/23 rQC 2010Sep.txt 2010/10/14 2010/10/19 rQC 2010Oct.txt 2010/11/15 2010/12/10 rQC 2010Nov.txt 2010/12/13 2010/12/28 rQC 2010Dec.txt 2011/01/12 2011/01/15 rQC 2011Jan.txt 2011/02/08 2011/02/12 rQC 2011Feb.txt 2011/03/08 2011/03/10 rQC 2011Mar.txt 2011/04/13 2011/04/18 rQC 2011Apr.txt 2011/05/10 2011/05/12 rQC 2011May.txt 2011/06/09 2011/06/18 rQC 2011Jun.txt 2011/07/19 2011/07/20 rQC 2011Jul.txt 2011/08/09 2011/08/12 rQC 2011Aug.txt 2011/09/27 2011/10/23 rQC 2011Sep.txt 2011/10/14 2011/10/26 rQC 2011Oct.txt 2011/11/15 2011/11/28 rQC 2011Nov.txt 2011/12/13 2011/12/20 rQC 2011Dec.txt 2012/01/11 2012/01/18 rQC 2012Jan.txt 2012/02/13 2012/02/15 rQC 2012Feb.txt 2012/03/13 2012/03/14 rQC 2012Mar.txt 2012/04/09 2012/04/13 rQC 2012Apr.txt 2012/05/11 2012/07/18 rQC 2012May.txt 2012/06/12 2012/07/30 rQC 2012Jun.txt 2012/07/19 2012/08/07 rQC 2012Jul.txt 2012/08/16 2012/09/01 rQC 2012Aug.txt 2012/09/13 2012/09/23 rQC 2012Sep.txt 2012/10/16 2012/11/02 rQC 2012Oct.txt 2012/11/13 2012/11/29 rQC 2012Nov.txt 2012/12/11 2012/12/18 rQC 2012Dec.txt 2013/01/09 2013/02/08 rQC 2013Jan.txt 2013/02/08 2013/02/19 rQC 2013Feb.txt 2013/03/05 2013/03/07 rQC 2013Mar.txt 2013/04/09 2013/05/14 rQC 2013Apr.txt 2013/05/08 2013/05/20 rQC 2013May.txt 2013/06/10 2013/07/04 rQC 2013Jun.txt 2013/07/05 2013/07/11 rQC 2013Jul.txt 2013/08/06 2013/08/12 rQC 2013Aug.txt 2013/09/06 2013/09/12 rQC 2013Sep.txt 2013/10/11 2013/10/15 rQC 2013Oct.txt 2013/11/06 2013/11/20 rQC 2013Nov.txt 2013/12/06 2013/12/12 rQC 2013Dec.txt 2014/01/07 2014/01/10 rQC 2014Jan.txt 2014/02/06 2014/02/11 rQC 2014Feb.txt 2014/03/07 2014/04/24 rQC 2014Mar.txt 2014/04/08 2014/04/25 rQC 2014Apr.txt 2014/05/09 2014/07/03 rQC 2014May.txt 2014/06/17 2014/07/05 rQC modified on 2014/07/31 (added profs with sequence number 860-914) 2014Jun.txt 2014/07/08 2014/07/29 rQC 2014Jul.txt 2014/08/08 2014/08/18 rQC 2014Aug.txt 2014/09/09 2014/10/02 rQC 2014Sep.txt 2014/10/07 2014/10/14 rQC 2014Oct.txt 2014/11/07 2014/11/11 rQC 2014Nov.txt 2014/12/09 2014/12/09 rQC 2014Dec.txt 2015/01/06 2015/01/08 rQC 2015Jan.txt 2015/02/06 2015/02/19 rQC 2015Feb.txt 2015/03/10 2015/03/19 rQC 2015Mar.txt 2015/06/15 2015/06/25 rQC Original data changed this month 2015Apr.txt 2015/06/15 2015/06/29 rQC 2015May.txt 2015/06/15 2015/07/03 rQC 2015Jun.txt 2015/07/10 2015/07/16 rQC 2015Jul.txt 2015/08/18 2015/08/21 rQC 2015Aug.txt 2015/09/07 2015/09/30 rQC 2015Sep.txt 2015/10/19 2015/11/18 rQC 2015Oct.txt 2015/11/13 2015/12/22 rQC 2015Nov.txt 2016/01/04 2016/01/07 rQC 2015Dec.txt 2016/03/17 2016/03/30 rQC 2016Jan.txt 2016/03/16 2016/03/22 rQC 2016Feb.txt 2016/03/16 2016/04/01 rQC 2016Mar.txt 2016/04/16 2016/04/18 rQC 2016Apr.txt 2016/05/19 2016/05/27 rQC 2016May.txt 2016/07/20 2016/08/31 rQC 2016Jun.txt 2016/07/20 2016/09/01 rQC 2016Jul.txt 2016/09/02 2016/09/26 rQC 2016Aug.txt 2016/09/20 2016/10/28 rQC 2016Sep.txt 2016/10/17 2016/11/02 rQC 2016Oct.txt 2016/11/18 2016/12/07 rQC 2016Nov.txt 2016/12/17 2016/12/24 rQC 2016Dec.txt 2017/01/18 2017/01/21 rQC 2017Jan.txt 2017/03/24 2017/05/16 rQC,dQC 2017Feb.txt 2017/03/20 2017/05/19 rQC,dQC 2017Mar.txt 2017/04/24 2017/05/27 rQC,dQC 2017Apr.txt 2017/05/17 2017/07/03 rQC,dQC,aQC 2017May.txt 2017/06/22 2017/07/03 rQC,dQC,aQC 2017Jun.txt 2017/07/19 2017/07/20 rQC,dQC,aQC 2017Jul.txt 2017/08/21 2017/11/02 rQC,dQC,aQC 2017Aug.txt 2017/09/20 2017/11/09 rQC,dQC,aQC 2017Sep.txt 2017/10/18 2017/11/10 rQC,dQC,aQC 2017Oct.txt 2017/11/18 2017/11/22 rQC,dQC,aQC 2017Nov.txt 2017/12/18 2017/12/19 rQC,dQC,aQC 2017Dec.txt 2018/02/19 2018/02/21 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Jan.txt 2018/03/07 2018/03/08 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Feb.txt 2018/03/22 2018/03/29 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Mar.txt 2018/04/18 2018/05/30 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Apr.txt 2018/05/30 2018/06/01 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018May.txt 2018/06/19 2018/06/22 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Jun.txt 2018/07/20 2018/07/27 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Jul.txt 2018/08/19 2018/09/10 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Aug.txt 2018/09/30 2018/10/31 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Sep.txt 2018/10/27 2018/11/06 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Oct.txt 2018/11/20 2018/11/21 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Nov.txt 2018/12/23 2019/01/17 rQC,dQC,aQC 2018Dec.txt 2019/01/21 2019/01/28 rQC,aQC 2019Jan.txt 2019/03/24 2019/03/28 rQC,dQC,aQC 2019Feb.txt 2019/03/24 2019/03/28 rQC,dQC,aQC 2019Mar.txt 2019/07/26 2019/08/12 rQC,dQC,aQC 2019Apr.txt 2019/07/26 2019/08/26 rQC,dQC,aQC 2019May.txt 2019/07/26 2019/08/27 rQC,dQC,aQC 2019Jun.txt 2019/08/27 2019/08/28 rQC,dQC,aQC 2019Jul.txt 2019/08/27 2019/09/06 rQC,dQC,aQC 2019Aug.txt 2019/09/30 2019/12/24 rQC,dQC,aQC 2019Sep.txt 2019/12/19 2019/12/26 rQC,dQC,aQC 2019Oct.txt 2019/12/19 2019/12/26 rQC,aQC 2019Nov.txt 2019/12/26 2019/12/27 rQC,aQC 2019Dec.txt 2020/01/21 2020/01/23 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Jan.txt 2020/03/01 2020/03/09 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Feb.txt 2020/03/24 2020/03/30 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Mar.txt 2020/07/09 2020/07/09 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Apr.txt 2020/07/09 2020/07/10 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020May.txt 2020/07/09 2020/07/10 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Jun.txt 2020/07/22 2020/07/22 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Jul.txt 2020/08/25 2020/09/07 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Aug.txt 2020/09/27 2020/10/03 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Sep.txt 2020/10/26 2020/11/15 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Oct.txt 2020/12/04 2020/12/21 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Nov.txt 2021/01/05 2021/01/07 rQC,dQC,aQC 2020Dec.txt 2021/01/22 2021/01/22 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Jan.txt 2021/12/03 2021/12/09 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Feb.txt 2021/12/13 2021/12/15 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Mar.txt 2021/12/13 2021/12/15 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Apr.txt 2021/12/13 2021/12/15 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021May.txt 2021/12/27 2021/12/28 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Jun.txt 2021/12/27 2021/12/28 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Jul.txt 2021/12/27 2021/12/30 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Aug.txt 2021/12/27 2021/12/31 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Sep.txt 2021/12/27 2021/12/31 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Oct.txt 2022/01/08 2022/01/10 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Nov.txt 2022/01/08 2022/01/10 rQC,dQC,aQC 2021Dec.txt 2022/01/30 2022/01/31 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022Jan.txt 2022/08/15 2022/08/15 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022Feb.txt 2022/08/15 2022/08/17 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022Mar.txt 2022/08/15 2022/08/19 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022Apr.txt 2022/08/15 2022/08/19 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022May.txt 2022/08/15 2022/08/19 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022Jun.txt 2022/08/15 2022/08/20 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022Jul.txt 2022/11/16 2023/01/28 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022Aug.txt 2022/11/16 2023/01/29 rQC, aQC 2022Sep.txt 2022/11/16 2023/01/31 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022Oct.txt 2023/01/25 2023/02/01 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022Nov.txt 2023/01/25 2023/02/01 rQC,dQC,aQC 2022Dec.txt 2023/01/25 2023/02/01 rQC,dQC,aQC 2023Jan.txt 2023/07/06 2023/07/13 rQC,dQC,aQC 2023Feb.txt 2023/07/06 2023/07/13 rQC,dQC,aQC 2023Mar.txt 2023/07/06 2023/07/13 rQC,dQC,aQC 2023Apr.txt 2023/07/06 2023/07/14 rQC,dQC,aQC 2023May.txt 2023/07/06 2023/07/14 rQC,dQC,aQC 2023Jun.txt 2023/07/26 2023/07/27 rQC,dQC,aQC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------