Address: Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Kashiwanoha 5-1-5, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8564, Japan.
Telephone: +81-4-7136-6043
Faximile: +81-4-7136-6056
Room: No. 620
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March 22, 2022
I am pleased to announce that our paper on "Abyssal current and water mass in the Main Gap and an adjacent Small Gap of the Emperor Seamount Chain" has been published in Journal of Oceanography and is now accessible online.
Yanagimoto, D., Miyamoto, M., Oka, E., Nakano, T., Takatsuki, Y., Tsujino, H. Abyssal current and water mass in the Main Gap and an adjacent Small Gap of the Emperor Seamount Chain. J Oceanogr (2022). full-text

Affiliated academic society

The Oceanographic Society of Japan
Société franco-japonaise d'océanographie
American Geophysical Union

My research interests

My research interest is in deep ocean currents such as the deep circulation flow originating from the southern ocean. I participate deep current observations and analyse current meter data. I am also interested in mid-depth float observations which was my theme in graduate course.

Ocean Circulation Group Daigo's home page in Japanese