研究課題名: 中規模現象に伴う中央モード水の形成・輸送・散逸過程とその物質循環・生物過程への影響(2)
日程: 2016年5月31日〜6月29日

クルーズレポート(2017年4月14日版 → 2017年7月28日改訂(11章))
- Hu, W., K. Murata, S. Fukuyama, Y. Kawai, E. Oka, M. Uematsu, and D. Zhang, 2017: Concentration and viability of airborne bacteria over the Kuroshio Extension region in the northwestern Pacific Ocean: data from three cruises. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 23, 12892-12905. [link]
- Goto, Y., I. Yasuda, and M. Nagasawa, 2018: Comparison of turbulence intensity from CTD-attached and free-fall microstructure profilers. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35, 147-162. [link]
- Aoyama, M., Y. Hamajima, Y. Inomata, Y. Kumamoto, E. Oka, T. Tsubono, and D. Tsumune, 2018: Radiocaesium derived from TEPCO Fukushima accident in the North Pacific Ocean: surface transport processes until 2017. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 189, 93-102. [link]
- Kumamoto, Y., M. Aoyama, Y. Hamajima, E. Oka, and A. Murata, 2018: Time evolution of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in the western subtropical area of the North Pacific Ocean by 2017. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 189, 2181-2187. [link]
- Oka, E., S. Kouketsu, D. Yanagimoto, D. Ito, Y. Kawai, S. Sugimoto, and B. Qiu, 2020: Formation of Central Mode Water based on two zonal hydrographic sections in spring 2013 and 2016. Journal of Oceanography, 76, 373-386. [link: open access]
- Miyamoto, M., E. Oka, D. Yanagimoto, S. Fujio, M. Nagasawa, G. Mizuta, S. Imawaki, M. Kurogi, and H. Hasumi, 2020: Topographic Rossby waves at two different periods in the Northwest Pacific Basin. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 50, 3123-3139. [link]
- Yamashita, Y., T. Tosaka, R. Bamba, R. Kamezaki, S. Goto, J. Nishioka, I. Yasuda, T. Hirawake, J. Oida, H. Obata, and H. Ogawa, 2021: Widespread distribution of allochthonous fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the intermediate water of the North Pacific. Progress in Oceanography, 191, 102510. [link]
- Ito, D., T. Suga, S. Kouketsu, E. Oka, and Y. Kawai, 2021: Spatiotemporal evolution of submesoscale filaments at the periphery of an anticyclonic mesoscale eddy north of the Kuroshio Extension. Journal of Oceanography, 77, 763-780. [link]
- Goto, Y., I. Yasuda, M. Nagasawa, S. Kouketsu, and T. Nakano, 2021: Estimation of Basin-scale turbulence distribution in the North Pacific Ocean using CTD-attached thermistor measurements. Scientific Reports, 11, 969. [link: open access]
- Yanagimoto, D., M. Miyamoto, E. Oka, T. Nakano, Y. Takatsuki, and H. Tsujino, 2022: Abyssal current and water mass in the Main Gap and an adjacent small gap of the Emperor Seamount Chain. Journal of Oceanography, in press. [link: open access]
管理者・お問合せ先: 主席研究員・岡 英太郎(eoka@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp)